"Infamous 2 opens in Empire City as a massive explosion rips through the town signaling the birth of a new evil. Nearly escaping death by the dark entity known as The Beast, Cole flees the city. Upon leaving, Cole discovers that The Beast has destroyed Empire City and is heading down the coast annihilating everything in its path.
In an effort to stop The Beast from destroying mankind, Cole heads to New Marais in search of a scientist who is believed to hold the key to defeating this dark entity. As the mystery of The Beast unfolds, Cole must learn to harness his powers for the sake of mankind."
Release Date: Already released
Price: ~ 60 Dollars
Exclusively on PlayStation 3
Genre: Third-Person Action
In Infamous you can choose between "good" and "thug".There is a good story and a thug story,this is really intresting! You have to play it two times if you wanna play the whole story.
I can say that Infamous 2 is an awesome game! If I got the money (press the ad! :p) I'll buy this! If i have the game I'll post my review right here and give you this informations.
I've already played the first part Infamous and I loved it! Unfortunately dont u have multiplayer mode,but the story is awesome! Much better than GTA IV & Red Dead Redemption. I really recommend it.
9/10* (Played Demo-Version) I'll give the last 1* if they add the multiplayer mode in the next version :D.
Now the video of the day,i can only saay OUCH!! Poor child.
See you ;-)
hahahaha i loled at the last video xD
AntwortenLöschenOuch! Kinect seems just as potentially dangerous as the Wii!
AntwortenLöschenI think i'll wait for the price to come down a bit before I buy it.
AntwortenLöschenGood and thug? That just sounds silly. It looks they improved a lot over the first one.
AntwortenLöschenseems like an interesting game
AntwortenLöschenreally like your post, nice game!
AntwortenLöschenSorry, the only thing that interested me here was the end video :u
AntwortenLöscheni've never played this before. looks interesting
AntwortenLöschenThis looks awesome! cant wait to check it out ;D
AntwortenLöschenLove it! I laughed so much!
AntwortenLöschenI loved the first one, and seeing this one gets so nice reviews I am defiantly checking this one out too.
AntwortenLöschenLike first movie especially from 1:50
AntwortenLöschenwel it is a very good post!
AntwortenLöschenit seems like a very interesting game, I will definitely buy it as soon as i can. I loved the kinect fail video too. Nice post mate, keep it up and I'll be following you.
AntwortenLöschenGreat gameplay.
AntwortenLöschenAhaha, I laughed like crazy at that kinect video.
AntwortenLöschenI'm relly looking forward to this one.
AntwortenLöschenI loved 1, but I honestly didn't think it needed a sequel. By the time I was done with the first I was pretty much burned out by the entire concept.